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Hunters 1 to 3 Discussion

Hunters 1 to 3 Discussion

Q Describe the three characters – Tub, Kenny, and Frank. What are they like? What lie or secret does each one have? Hunters Post 2 Discussion Topic Well done! You have contributed to the discussion It appears that Kenny, Frank, and Tub are a group of friends, but what is the evidence that they are not really friends (maybe frenemies)? Who or what is really being hunted here?

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Tub, Frank, and Kenny carry the sweet and sour relationship. They have their secrets to reveal to the each other and all of them have the human frailties. This is evident that they do not have the right bonding with each other and they all the time mock each other and try to do leg pulling. Tub has the gluttony and Frank has his own secret of loving 15 years old. He has the plan to elope with her.